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Freshen and Speed Dry Your Cast with CastCooler

Freshen and Speed Dry Your Cast with CastCooler

Posted by Kristine Champion on 27th May 2014

Are you wearing a cast and experiencing discomfort with odor and itch?  The CastCooler® is a breakthrough in cast care!  Invented by a dad and designed to concentrate cooling and drying on moist areas under your cast by creating a gentle vacuum on the outside of your cast, bringing fresh air between your skin and the cast.  Simply wrap the CastCooler around your cast and connect to a standard household vacuum hose for about 10 minutes.  Voila...moisture is removed, and without moisture, bacteria growth (the cause of odor and itch) is reduced and relief produced!  

The CastCooler keeps your cast fresh, reduces itch, and works with all breathable orthopedic size fits all! You can purchase the CastCooler online at CastCoverz!, provider of fun and functional products for orthopedic patients; such as cast covers, brace, splint, and walking boot covers, designer color crutches and crutch pads, along with waterproof protectors for bathing and swimming.  

Watch this video sent in by a mom, of her son's reaction while using CastCooler for the first time...the dog is barking, dishwasher running, but his reaction is priceless!