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Freshen and Speed Dry Your Cast with CastCooler

Freshen and Speed Dry Your Cast with CastCooler

Posted by Kristine Champion on 27th May 2014

Are you wearing a cast and experiencing discomfort with odor and itch?  The CastCooler® is a breakthrough in cast care!  Invented by a dad and designed to concentrate cooling and drying on moist areas under your cast by creating a gentle vacuum on the outside of your cast, bringing fr …
Are You a Member of the Broken Bones Club? Print This Certificate!

Are You a Member of the Broken Bones Club? Print This Certificate!

Posted by Kristine Champion on 21st May 2014

Have you or someone you love broken a bone?  If so, that makes you an official member of the CastCoverz! Broken Bones Club!  This is not a club anyone strives to become a member of, but with all it's privileges and honors, including submitting to x-rays, countless doctor's appointments, an …
Keep Your Cast or Bandage Dry with DryPro™ and CastCooler®

Keep Your Cast or Bandage Dry with DryPro™ and CastCooler®

Posted by Kristine Champion on 8th May 2014

Do you see a beach or swimming pool in your near future and you're wearing a cast or bandage that cannot get wet? The DryPro™ waterproof cast protector for arms and legs will keep your cast completely dry!  Between the waterproof material and vacuum seal, you'll be able to enjoy the o …