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Freshen and Speed Dry Your Cast with CastCooler

Freshen and Speed Dry Your Cast with CastCooler

Posted by Kristine Champion on 27th May 2014

Are you wearing a cast and experiencing discomfort with odor and itch?  The CastCooler® is a breakthrough in cast care!  Invented by a dad and designed to concentrate cooling and drying on moist areas under your cast by creating a gentle vacuum on the outside of your cast, bringing fr …
Need Relief From Itchy Smelly Cast?

Need Relief From Itchy Smelly Cast?

Posted by Kristine Champion on 18th Mar 2014

CastCooler® is a breakthrough in cast care!  Invented by a dad to help provide relief from the discomfort associated with wearing a cast, CastCooler keeps your cast fresh and odor-free, along with reducing itch by removing moisture that builds up on the lining underneath your cast. &n …