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Prevent Summertime Playground Injuries

Prevent Summertime Playground Injuries

Posted by Kristine Champion on 30th May 2014

With school almost out for summer, health experts are asking parents to take a closer look at where their children swing, slide, and play.  Recent statistics from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) show bone fractures at the top of the list for playground injuries, followed by bruises, cuts, strains, and sprains. 

Emergency rooms are frequented by more than 200,000 children, under the age of 14, for playground accidents.  "There can be head injuries.  There can be hand and wrist injuries from falls.  There can be ankle and foot injuries from twisting," said orthopedic surgeon, Dr. David Shapiro.

Keep in mind that nearly 70% of all playground injuries are caused by a fall or faulty equipment.  Kids will usually outstretch their hand to catch their fall, which causes broken bones, along with elbow injuries.

Adult supervision is the best way to help prevent playground injuries, but also follow these tips and guidelines suggested by the CPSC to ensure a safe playground:  4 Tips for a Safe Playground

Should the unfortunate broken bone occur, CastCoverz! will save the day!  CastCoverz! provides cast covers, brace, splint, and walking boot covers, in addition to designer color crutches & crutch pads, along with waterproof & comfort products for orthopedic patients.  Orthopedic injuries are covered with CastCoverz!