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Press Release (072012-3)


Help the Kids Stay Break-Free This Summer

CastCoverZ!™ CEO and mom, Annette Giacomazzi, has a lot of experience dealing with her kids' broken bones, and she has some sage summer advice to pass along to all the moms out there.

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SAN JOSE, CA (July 2012) – There is never a preferable season of the year in which to break a bone, but for kids in particular, a broken bone during summer vacation can be particularly devastating. CastCoverZ! founder and CEO, Annette Giacomazziknows this all too well—not just from her experience at the helm of her company, which is a leading developer and retailer of cast covers and orthopedic products, but also as a mother. In a not-so-glamorous way, it was Annette's daughter's penchant for breaking bones—she had broken six bones by the time she was ten years old—that sparked the vision to establish CastCoverZ! in the first place. So with all of that experience as a mom helping her kids cope with broken bones at inopportune times, Annette has plenty of helpful advice for moms searching for ways to keep their kids break-free for the summer.

"As a parent, it can be heartbreaking to see your child go through the pain and disappointment that can come with a broken bone during summer break, when all their friends are having fun in the great outdoors," said Giacomazzi. "Believe me, I know the feeling. However, having been through that before, I've come to learn that there are definitely some preventive measures you can take to help keep your children's bones intact as they enjoy all the wonderful activities summer has to offer."

Annette's top tip for staying break-free is to remind children to play as safely as possible. "The freedom of summer seems to relax kids' sense of safety," said Giacomazzi. "Nearly 42% of all pediatric fractures are to the forearm and hand, often due to extending their arms to prevent a fall. The higher they are, the farther they fall and the risk increases for a fracture when they are at a height greater than they are tall. So, if your child is 3' tall, don't go climb over 3 feet. As a mom I know it can be a challenge to rein in your kids when they're in the throes of summer fun, but do your best to remind them to play safe." Another way to prevent breaks is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Simply put, water has key restorative, replenishing, and healing qualities that are essential for keeping the body and mind in tip-top shape. Water helps kids' bodies to stay both strong and alert, and if a minor accident occurs, hydrated children tend to avoid devastating consequences. Last but not least, Giacomazzi says, "Wear a helmet when riding a bike or skateboarding. That goes for adults, too!"

Of course, if all else fails, CastCoverZ! has a full branded line of products that can help diminish the disappointment of a summertime broken bone and allow kids the opportunity to continue to participate in many of the same activities as their friends. "Even if your child suffers a fracture and ends up in a cast, splint, sling, boot or brace despite your best efforts, we have gear that can keep them going," said Annette.

"For example, DryPro™, one of our waterproof products, gives kids the freedom to get back in the water! It's made with a durable, high-quality surgical latex fabric for arm and leg casts so they don't have to be afraid to jump in the pool or go to the water park or beach!" Another waterproof product, CastShield™, allows you to bathe or shower with dignity and ease even while wearing a cast, bandage or prosthetic. CastCoverZ! also carries the CastCooler®, a revolutionary product that eliminates the heat, odor and itch that is a natural by-product of wearing a cast.

So, while it's always best to stay break-free, CastCoverZ! has the doctor-approved, patient-requested solutions if you have the summertime broken bone blues.


About CastCoverZ!

CastCoverZ!™ offers functional and fashionable products designed to cover casts, orthotic walking boots, splints and braces, and companion products to bring relief and comfort to orthopedic patients. CastCoverZ! has been featured in Yahoo!, Good Day Sacramento, Entrepreneur, Parenting Magazine,, Mom Invented, Orthopedic This Week, Lower Extremity Review, KidzWorld, Newsday, and many more. CastCoverZ! products are currently available at select orthopedic surgeon offices, pharmacies, or direct at CastCoverZ! ships world-wide.