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Keep Your Cast Clean and Snag Free with CastCoverz! Leg Cast Covers

Keep Your Cast Clean and Snag Free with CastCoverz! Leg Cast Covers

Posted by Kristine Champion on 9th Jun 2014

Stuck in a leg cast and tired of looking at your dirty cast and toes, tired of snagging your clothing and furniture, along with irritating your own skin and other people?  CastCoverz! to the rescue!  Keep your cast clean and snag free with Legz! leg cast covers.  Wearing your cast cover daily will prevent the annoyances so common with wearing a cast, brace, or even an orthopedic walking boot (See our Bootz! walking boot covers.)  Plus, you'll be giving your orthotic device some personality, too!  CastCoverz! also provides other orthopedic accessories; such as, Designer Color Crutches and CrutchWear crutch pads, along with waterproof and comfort products.

Watch our short video of customer photos, showing the FUNctional fashion statement you can make with CastCoverz!