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CastCoverz! Designer Color Crutches and Orthopedic Accessories Featured at The VGM Group's Heartland Conference 2014

CastCoverz! Designer Color Crutches and Orthopedic Accessories Featured at The VGM Group's Heartland Conference 2014

Posted by Kristine Champion on 10th Jun 2014

We are extremely excited to be a part of the VGM Heartland Conference 2014!  The VGM Group is a national buying group for independent home medical equipment providers.  CastCoverz!'s crutch bouquet is currently being featured, showing off our Designer Color Crutches and CrutchWear, along with our Bootz! orthopedic walking boot cover, and Cuffz! faux-fur wrap, along with Slingz! in popular Zebra with Berry Pink trim, and Armz!Legz! cast covers in other best-selling fabrics and is receiving great response!  Thankz, VGM!