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Boring Standard-Issue Crutches No More

Boring Standard-Issue Crutches No More

Posted by Kristine Champion on 3rd Jun 2014

Boring standard-issue crutches no more!  Go bold, go beautiful with Designer Colored Crutches by LemonAid. CastCoverz!, provider of comfort and care products for orthopedic patients, acquired LemonAid Crutches and CrutchWear in 2012 and our customers could not be happier!  Not only are our crutches more pleasing to the eye, they are made with superior construction, lightweight aluminum, and powder-coated for durability and vibrancy!  

Fun Fact:  Customers have reported our crutches are quieter than the squeak-squeak so common (and annoying) with standard crutches.

Don't forget to accessorize your new crutches with CastCoverz! CrutchWear.  Not only do crutches hurt your arms and hands, they hurt your sense of style.  Who knew using crutches could be comfortable, convenient, and fashionable all at the same time!  Crutchwear consists of crutch pads, hand grips, and crutch bags, which are a perfect addition, making it easy to carry your keys, money, and even a water bottle!  CrutchWear is available in over 30 fabric choices.

Watch this short video and you'll see what CastCoverz! Designer Color Crutches and CrutchWear are all about!