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CastCoverZ! Founder, Annette Giacomazzi, Provides Back to School Injury Prevention Tips

6th Sep 2013

Did you know playground injuries are the leading cause of Emergency Room visits for school-aged chilren 5-14?  Annette Giacomazzi, Owner and Founder of CastCoverZ!, knows that most playground injuries are preventable.  Her, then, 10 year old daughter took a seven foot fall off of a school playground structure and broke her humerus. If she had been properly supervised, her fall and fracture would not have happened.  But on a side note, CastCoverZ! was "accidentally" created due to that fall and fracture AND the desire to comfort her daughter.  CastCoverZ! is the leader in brace, splint, boot, and cast covers, as well as orthopedic comfort products.


Giacomazzi encourages parents and educators to brush up on back-to-school injury prevention, to help avoid accidents, and offers some great tips and advice on how to prevent avoidable injuries on the school playground here:  CastCoverZ! Founder Provides Back to School Playground Injury Prevention Tips

For more tips on the prevention of broken bones and other feel better, heal better topics, visit the CCZ! blog!